BMI 2023:Symposium on Reading and Dyslexia – A Virtual Symposium
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- 2023-02-23
You are cordially invited to attend the 2023 annual symposium of the Brain and Mind Institute at The Chinese University of Hong Kong…
You are cordially invited to attend the 2023 annual symposium of the Brain and Mind Institute at The Chinese University of Hong Kong…
我们非常荣幸能够继续支持牛津大学St. Anne’s College的 Centre for Personalised Medicine,将更多最新的个人化医学知识带到本澳及邻近地区,推动其应用及相关研究…
2022年国际脑神经科学大赛 (简称IBB) 世界锦标赛已于7月2日至9日期间,于法国巴黎以线上形式顺利举行,全球31个国家及地区的精英学生代表一同竞赛。本澳代表慈幼中学…
You are cordially invited to attend the 2022 annual symposium of the Brain and Mind Institute at The Chinese University of Hong Kong…